Volunteers make waves

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Pacific Tsunami Museum volunteers are vital to bringing our history, stories, and educational programs to life for the public. We are continually seeking enthusiastic, curious individuals who want to join our PTM Ohana and help us make a difference! Volunteering with us offers a unique opportunity to engage with local history and connect with visitors from around the world.

If you’d like to become a museum volunteer, email us at admin@tsunami.org

Click below to explore our different opportunities:

A docent is a knowledgeable guide who helps bring our exhibits and stories to life for visitors. As a docent you’ll engage with guests, offering insights into the history of tsunamis, the science behind these natural disasters, and the personal stories of those affected.

Docents answer questions and ensure that visitors leave with a deeper understanding of the museum’s mission. It’s a rewarding opportunity to share valuable information, connect with diverse audiences, and play a key role in our educational outreach efforts. No prior experience is necessary—just a passion for learning and sharing!

Volunteering at PTM events offers a dynamic and engaging way to get involved. Our events range from free Kama’aina days that welcome local residents, to special member gatherings and festive holiday celebrations.

As an event volunteer, you’ll assist with various tasks such as greeting guests, setting up activities, and ensuring everything runs smoothly. These events provide a lively atmosphere where you can interact with the community and help create memorable experiences.

As an outreach volunteer, you may participate in school visits, county events, community festivals, and more, helping to share the museum’s mission of tsunami awareness and preparedness.

Whether engaging the public through education or sharing stories of resilience, you’ll play an important role in extending the museum’s reach. Outreach volunteers help educate and inspire people of all ages, making a meaningful contribution to our community’s understanding of natural disasters and safety.